Dermal fillers contain hyaluronic acid which is injected beneath the skin to help smooth fine lines, restore facial volume, and contour. Patients often undergo dermal filler injections to achieve a more youthful appearance with as little down time as possible. Common areas treated are the mid-face, lips, chin, jawline, and lines around the nose and mouth.

Products we offer

  • Juvederm
  • RHA
  • Restylane
  • Radiesse

What To Expect

Dermal filler treatment is an in-office procedure. First we will consult and discuss the best plan for treatment. Then a topical numbing cream is applied. The treatment usually takes between 15-30 minutes. Results are visible immediately, but it may take several days to 2 weeks for the swelling or bruising to subside. The effects can last from 6-24 months depending on which type of filler is used. After the procedure, you are asked to avoid certain activities such as excessive sun/heat exposure and strenuous exercise. 

Are you a candidate?

If you are looking to address signs of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles. and volume loss– dermal fillers may be a treatment for you. Lip enhancement and facial contouring is done with these products as well.

Cancellations made 24 hours or less before an appointment will be subject to a fee of $50.