Neurotoxins work by temporarily reducing muscle activity. Preventing muscle contraction relaxes the muscle and smooths the overlying skin to soften fine lines and wrinkles. Getting neurotoxin can prevent new wrinkles from forming. There is no specific age to start getting neurotoxin injections. The best time is whenever the lines start to bother you. Look like you but with fewer lines!

Products we offer

  • Botox
  • Xeomin
  • Dysport
  • Daxxify

These are specific brands of neurotoxin that we carry

What To Expect

Neurotoxin injections are in-office procedures performed in just a few minutes. In fact, you can schedule an appointment for your lunch hour or on your way home from work. There is no downtime. A very fine needle is used and there is very little discomfort. Most patients describe it as “a pinch.” Gradually over 14 days you will notice a decrease in muscle contraction in the treated area(s). Results last around 3 months but varies between patients. 

Did you know...

11 million women have undergone Botox? In fact, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that it is the most common cosmetic treatment requested in America, with numbers at an all-time high. More than a million treatments are performed every year.

Cancellations made 24 hours or less before an appointment will be subject to a fee of $50.